総合地誌研 研究叢書 30,pp.233〜260,1997



佐藤崇徳*・ 作野広和**・ 杉浦真一郎***・ 岡橋秀典****

GIS (地理情報システム),地誌学,インド・センサス,インド

目 次
  1. はしがき
  2. インド・センサスデータの概要
    1. インド・センサスの集計結果
    2. “Village Directory” および “Village / Town Primary Census Abstract” の概要
    3. インド・センサスにおける集計単位と地域区分の概念
  3. インド・センサスデータの加工とGISへの導入
    1. 統計データの加工
    2. 地図データの作成
    3. 統計データと地図データの整合性
  4. GISを用いたインド・センサスデータの分析例
    1. コロプレスマップの作成による分析
    2. SC,STの分布と地誌学研究
    3. 距離帯別分析からみたインドール周辺の社会・経済的地域構造
  5. むすび
    1. 発展途上地域の地誌学研究におけるGIS活用の有効性
    2. 発展途上地域における地誌的データを扱う問題点
    3. 今後の課題

【 本 文 】



This study aims to evaluate the applicability and effectiveness of GIS in analyzing the geographical data obtained from developing countries, where the databases for GIS have not well provided. We describe our technical methods and clarify problems on dealing with such data.

For the above-mentioned purpose, we used the data obtained from Census of India (1991) and analyzed the socio-economic regional structure in a sample area which covered Indore Municipality and Pithampur Industrial Growth Center, Madhya Pradesh State.

The statistical data supplied by the Census Office of India at Bhopal is text files contained in 3.5 inch floppy disks. Firstly, we arranged the data format on "Microsoft Excel". Map data was digitized from maps in "District Census Handbook" (1981), because the map of area on the census in 1991 is not published yet. Some village polygons of digitized map were corrected to fit the census data of 1991. Then statistical data and digital map data were coordinated and imported into GIS software "MapInfo".

Using GIS, many choropleth maps can be created easily in a short time. We drew maps on the distribution of population density, castewise population and so on. This mapping function helps us to browse geographical distribution of data. Calculation of data in each 5 km distance belt from Indore Municipality and Pithampur Industrial Growth Center is also available by using buffering function of GIS.

We evaluate the applicability and effectiveness of GIS in regional geographical studies as follows:

  1. Once geographical data is arranged to database for GIS, those data can be mapped instantly. Especially mapping of plural variables or computed results from data is much easily done.
  2. Digital geographical data with GIS makes it possible to analyze areas where researchers are prohibited to enter or are difficult to make a intensive survey in detail due to the political problems or language barriers.
  3. GIS offers spatial analysis methods such as overlay and buffering. These methods has been much difficult without employing GIS.

In spite of the above-mentioned effective points, the following problems are pointed out:

  1. Preparation of digital database on geographical information in developing countries has started very recently. So databases are not well prepared and file format is not completed.
  2. Accuracy of data is unknown.
  3. Census of India is carried out every 10 years, and questionnaires and statistic units are often changed. It is difficult to follow up villages through merger and division.

This study is an experimental analysis. It is important to promote effective application of GIS and find out the new direction of regional geography studies.

