Home Page of Relativistic EOS table for supernovae
Table of Contents
Series of EOS tables based on the RMF framework
- Shen EOS (2020):
Extended version of Shen EOS table (TM1e):
- With density dependence of symmetry energy (L=40 MeV)
- in the same tabular form as Shen EOS (2011)
- Furusawa EOS (2016):
Multi-composition of nuclei
- Nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE) treatment, extended from Shen EOS table
- Smooth transition to uniform matter
- Binding energy shifts for light nuclei
- Improved shell corrections
- Shen EOS (2011):
Improved version of Shen EOS table (TM1):
- With extended ranges & regular grid points
- Sets without/with hyperons
- Furusawa EOS (2011, 2013):
Multi-composition of nuclei
- Nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE) treatment, extended from Shen EOS table
- Smooth transition to uniform matter
- Hyperon EOS (2008):
Inclusion of strangeness
- With hyperons and pions, extended from Shen EOS table
- Sets with different hyperon-interactions
- Shen EOS (1998)
- Original version of Shen EOS table
Series of EOS tables based on microscopic approach
- Furusawa-Togashi EOS (2017):
Multi-compotision of nuclei based on the variational many-body theory
- Nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE) treatment, extended from Togashi EOS table
- Smooth transition to uniform matter
- Binding energy shifts for light nuclei
- Improved shell corrections
- Togashi EOS (2017):
Based on the variational many-body theory
- Starting with realsitic nuclear forces
Series of EOS tables with quarks
Other useful web sites
- Links to other EOS tables: links
- Classic and modern sets of EOS table
- Useful sites for EOS in astrophysics: links
- For EOS comparison and astrophysical simulations
Shen EOS tables (2020)
- Effects of symmetry energy on equation of state for simulations of core-collapse supernovae and neutron-star mergers,
H. Shen, F. Ji, J. Hu, and K. Sumiyoshi,
Astrophys. J in press.
article: link via ADS
Data Tables
EOS4: Extended Shen EOS with density dependent symmetry energy (TM1e)
web sites for EOS tables by H. Shen
Furusawa-Togashi Microscopic NSE EOS table (2017)
- A new equation of state for core-collapse supernovae based on realistic nuclear forces and including a full nuclear ensemble,
S. Furusawa, H. Togashi, H. Nagakura, K. Sumiyoshi, S. Yamada, H. Suzuki and M. Takano,
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, Volume 44, Number 9 (2017)
article: links via ADS
Data Tables
NSE EOS tables is available from the following site
Furusawa NSE EOS table (2016)
- Supernova equations of state including full nuclear ensemble with in-medium effects,
S. Furusawa, K. Sumiyoshi, S. Yamada and H. Suzuki, Nucl. Phys. A957 (2017) 188
article: links via ADS
Data Tables
NSE EOS tables is available from the following site
Shen EOS tables (2011)
- Relativistic Equation of State for Core-collapse Supernova Simulations,
H. Shen, H. Toki, K. Oyamatsu and K Sumiyoshi,
Astrophys. J. Suppl., 197 (2011) 20
article: link via ADS
Data Tables
EOS1: Original Shen EOS in 1998
EOS2: Improved Shen EOS in 2011 (updated version of EOS1)
EOS3: Shen EOS including hyperons in 2011
web sites for EOS tables by H. Shen
Furusawa NSE EOS table (2011, 2013)
- New Equations of State Based on the Liquid Drop Model of Heavy Nuclei and Quantum Approach to Light Nuclei for Core-collapse Supernova Simulations
S. Furusawa, K. Sumiyoshi, S. Yamada and H. Suzuki, Astrophys. J. 772 (2013) 95
article: links via ADS
- A New Baryonic Equation of State at Sub-nuclear Densities for Core-collapse Simulations
S. Furusawa, S. Yamada, K. Sumiyoshi and H. Suzuki, Astrophys. J. 738 (2011) 178
article: links via ADS
Data Tables
NSE EOS tables will be available from the following site
Ishizuka hyperon EOS table (2008)
- Tables of hyperonic matter equation of state for core-collapse supernovae,
C. Ishizuka, A. Ohnishi, K. Tsubakihara, K. Sumiyoshi and S. Yamada,
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys., 35 (2008) 085201
article: links via ADS
Data Tables
Hyperon EOS tables are available from the following site
Shen EOS table (1998)
- Relativistic equation of state of nuclear matter for supernova and neutron star,
H. Toki, H. Shen, K. Oyamatsu and K. Sumiyoshi,
Nucl. Phys. A, 637 (1998) 435
article: links via ADS
- Relativistic Equation of State of Nuclear Matter for Supernova Explosion,
H. Toki, H. Shen, K. Oyamatsu and K. Sumiyoshi,
Prog. Theor. Phys. 100 (1998) 1013
article: links via ADS
Data Tables
Data set is the same as EOS1 above
Microscopic approach for supernova EOS
Nuclear many body calculations by the variational method
Collaboration started from nuclear physics group in Waseda University
- Variational calculation for the equation of state of nuclear matter at finite temperatures,
H. Kanzawa, K. Oyamatsu, K. Sumiyoshi and M. Takano, Nucl. Phys. A791 (2007) 232
article: links via ADS
Nonuniform Matter in Neutron Star Crusts Studied by the Variational Method with Thomas-Fermi Calculations
H. Kanzawa, M. Takano, K. Oyamatsu and K. Sumiyoshi, Prog. Theor. Phys. 122 (2009) 673
article: links via ADS
Application of the nuclear equation of state obtained by the variational method to core-collapse supernovae
H. Togashi, M. Takano, K. Sumiyoshi and K. Nakazato, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2014 (2014) 023D05
article: links via ADS
Nuclear equation of state for core-collapse supernova simulations with realistic nuclear forces
H. Togashi, K. Nakazato, Y. Takehara, S. Yamamuro, H. Suzuki and M. Takano, Nucl. Phys. A961 (2017) 78
article: links via ADS
Data Tables
EOS tables are available from one of the following sites
Quark-Hadron-Crossover EOS for neutron stars (QHC18)
- From hadrons to quarks in neutron stars: a review
G. Baym, T. Hatsuda, T. Kojo, P. D. Powell, Y. Song and T. Takatsuka, Reports on Progress in Physics (2018)
article: links via ADS
Data Tables
Web site for iTHEMS
RIKEN interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program
links to iTHEMS
Quark EOS for supernovae and black holes
RMF theory and MIT Bag model
EOS tables used for black hole formation in failed supernovae
- Astrophysical implications of equation of state for hadron-quark mixed phase: Compact stars and stellar collapses,
K. Nakazato, K. Sumiyoshi and S. Yamada, Phys. Rev. D77 (2008) 103006
article: links via ADS
Links to other EOS tables
EOS tables before Shen EOS (1998)
- Wolff-Hillebrandt EOS
3D Skyrme Hartree-Fock calculation
- not available in public: limited users,
in-house use at
- Lattimer-Swesty EOS
Extension of the compressible liquid drop model
LS EOS Web Site
Modern EOS tables
Other useful sites for EOS in astrophysics
Web sites for equation of state
Web sites for numerical simulations in astrophysics
K. Sumiyoshi
Numazu College of Technology (NCT)
Ooka 3600, Numazu, Shizuoka 410-8501, Japan

In collaboration with:
H. Shen, H. Toki and K. Oyamatsu
F. Ji and J. Hu
S. Furusawa, K. Nakazato, H. Suzuki and S. Yamada
C. Ishizuka, K. Tsubakihara and A. Ohnishi
H. Togashi, H. Kanzawa and M. Takano
June 8, 2022