ATCM 2024 Official Site

22189 KeTCindyJS and KeTLMS-Various Applications in Mathmatics Classes-(Dec 9th/10th 09:30-10:00/15:00-15:30)

We have created some examples of effective teaching materials for mathematics classes using KeTCindyJS and KeTLMS. KeTCindyJS allows anyone to easily create HTML containing interactive figures by linking the dynamic geometry software Cinderella and CindyJS. KeTLMS is an HTML app that enables students who are not familiar with TeX to easily exchange questions and answers, including mathematical formulas. By embedding the elements necessary for questions and answers, communication between teachers and students in remote and hybrid classes can be improved. This communication is designed to be user-friendly so that even students who are not familiar with TeX syntax can handle mathematical formulas. As examples, we will show how to make the following HTML:
(1) Gaussian elimination method
(2) Displaying the n-th root of a complex number
(3) SIR model of infectious diseases



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kame-els K12

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